Saturday, March 22, 2014

MERCER-ful Day! DOOK GOES DOWN, UNC Wins, and Brad's still in the lead!

Well, yesterday may have been the perfect day for Brad.

Mercer University, a school of 4,500 undergrads in Macon, GA, beat the Dook Blue Devils (the perpetually overrated team ever) in the round of 64 today.

It was beautiful.

Mercer beating Dook was b-e-a-utiful!

Then UNC won a game against a pesky point guard named Cotton (because honestly Providence College didn't play that game, only he did), who dropped 36 sickeningly incredible points.

Go Heels!

And Brad is still in the lead.  Great day for Brad!

Not a great day for Nathaniel, though, who lost his National Championship pick.  Everyone be warned that he will be cheering hard core for a team that nobody has winning it all, to win it all.  He is essentially now cheering for everyone to lose every game in their brackets.  He's ruthless!  You've been warned.

Stephen F. Austin pulled a HUGE 4-point play at the end of regulation to send the game to OT and then beat VCU.  Who called that upset?  Lindsey!  Only Lindsey!

It was a great day for Bradley! #Winning!

Other than Mercer and SFA, there weren't too many upsets though, so we had some big movers today in the standings:

1.  Bradley - 28 points
2.  Nathaniel - 27 points
3.  Teresa - 26 points
4.  Matt - 25.5 points
5.  Boo Boo - 25 points
T6. Allison - 24.5 points
T6. Jo (Mom) - 24.5 points
8.  Jacob - 24 points
9.  Heather - 23.5 points
T10. Eric - 22 points
T10. Gary - 22 points
T10. Melissa - 22 points
13.  Jeremy - 21.5 points
14.  Lindsey - 15 points

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